Christ is risen! | |
Now blest these sixty years | |
Now blest through passing years | |
Wise men from the East look up to the sky: | |
There’s a truth beyond all | |
At the heart of our lives there’s a hunger that’s deep | "Christmas with Christ" ~ Dan Soper |
Saltire cross is Andrew’s glory, | "Etheldreda" ~ Arthur Wills 1983 |
The word of God calls each and every soul | "Woodlands" |
A cry in the night from the barn of an inn | A new setting by Dan Soper |
Sing to the Lord your heart’s new song | Antioch |
Living Word, in gospel story | As the deer (Nystrom) |
We give God thanks for harvest seasons; | Autumn Leaves |
Deep in our hearts God’s truth is born, | Besancon |
Through the ages God is present | Blaenwern |
A HYMN FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY | Blow the wind southerly |
O Lord your name is ever blessed | Bow Brickhill |
Written to commemorate the centenary of World War 1 Armistice — Remembrancetide 2018 | Coe Fen |
Unseen foes fragment our living | Corvedale or Blaenwern |
Jesus is born in stable dark and bare: | Coventry Carol |
Saints of God in heaven dwelling | Cwm Rhondda |
Crown him, the servant King | Diademata |
A simple truth lies near us | Es ist ein' Ros' entsprungen |
Jesus, we obey you: | Father we adore you |
Christ has called us in our living, | Guiting Power |
Simon Peter on the sea shore | Guiting Power |
Sing the silence; shine the darkness! | Halton Holgate |
God is love, he tends and cares; | Here I am, Lord |
No song can sing or thought embrace | Langstaff |
Called by the Word, creation’s life has order | Lord of the Years |
Easter breaks our broken living: | Lux Eoi |
God’s saints are those who live in hearts | Melita |
We sing with joy the Christmas truth | Noel |
O Spirit come and spread your fire, | O when the saints go marching in / She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes |
God is love and God is mystery: | Randolph |
God is the rock whose love so sure | Rievaulx |
Lord, bless our bread, the world, each life – | St Botolph |
Tread softly on this Earth | St Cecilia |
Saint much loved for simple living, | St Helen |
God’s Word, love’s Word, | Star–Child |
Joseph called to be Christ’s father, | Sussex |
This day is blessed by God’s sweet joy which comes from heaven above | Thaxted |
Jesus, we worship you; | Tune Taize – Jesus remember me |
Sing of truth and triumph blazing: | Tune: All Saints |
Broken worlds have glory given | Tune: All for Jesus |
We give the Father glory and we pray for peace on earth | Tune: Battle Hymn |
Christ comes in the breaking of the bread, | Tune: Be still for the presence of the Lord |
Lord, you meet us from the future: | Tune: Blaenwern |
Lord, you meet us from the future: | Tune: Blaenwern |
Lord, you meet us from the future: | Tune: Blaenwern |
Birth gives us life, sentenced to perish; | Tune: Christ, be our Light (Bernadette Farrell) |
Starlight and hay – | Tune: Coventry Carol |
Crown him, the servant King | Tune: Diademata |
The soul cries out to God, whose music sings – | Tune: Engelberg |
God’s love was born so simple | Tune: Es ist ein, ros’ entsprungen |
The earth receives its maker – | Tune: Es ist ein, ros’ entsprungen |
Christ is risen! Christ is risen! | Tune: Frère Jacques |
Lord hear your world both blest and bleeding, | Tune: Fragrance |
We sing the faith of Holy Church, | Tune: God Rest You Merry |
Hid within our daily living | Tune: Helmsley |
Darkness and light contain our mortal living: | Tune: Highwood |
Sun in winter, Dayspring bright – | Tune: Humility |
In a world which we have ordered | Tune: Irby |
God in heav’n we give you glory, | Tune: Iris |
Midst our noise of daily living, | Tune: Iris (Angels from the realms of glory) |
(for Mary Jeffreys who commissioned this setting) | Tune: Jesus is Lord |
(for the Parish of Rochester & Mary Jeffreys who commissioned this hymn) | Tune: Jesus is Lord |
Christ in glory, (or Christ is risen) | Tune: London's Burning |
Beneath the joys of Christmastide | Tune: Noel |
A baby is born – God laid in the hay: | Tune: O Jesulein Süss |
Before the pulse and tick of time, | Tune: Puer Nobis Nascitur |
Spark in darkness kindles light – | Tune: Salzburg |
To God we sing on high | Tune: Sandys |
In my neighbour Christ is present – | Tune: Servant Song |
Death is dead and love set free – | Tune: St Albinus |
Deep in our night God touches earth; | Tune: Stille Nacht |
We believe in God the Lord, | Tune: Tempus Adest Floridum |
When the Lord from his throne leapt from heaven to earth | Tune: The First Nowell |
Tune: The seven joys of Mary | Tune: The Seven Joys of Mary |
Glory to God and highest praise | Tune: Wiltshire |
The days that lead to Christmastide | Tune: Winchester New |
Glory to God! Our hearts we raise | Tune: Winchester Old |
We gather as God’s people | Tune: Wir Pflugen |
Heav'nly Father, send your Spirit | Tunes: It's a long way to Tipperary / Pack up your troubles |
Redeem us Lord from all those former years | Woodlands |
Thy Kingdom Come – Lord teach us how to pray | Woodlands |