
Metrical Psalm 98

Metre: Common Metre extended Antioch

Sing to the Lord your heart’s new song
For all his marvels done;
His will declared through ages long –
God saves: our victory’s won,
God saves: our victory’s won,
God saves, God saves: our victory’s won!

To all the world he shows his truth
In Israel’s faith and life.
The age–worn world finds hope and youth –
His peace dispels our strife,
His peace dispels our strife,
His peace, his peace dispels our strife.

Burst out in song O fearful earth,
Make music filled with joy
With singing, harp and trumpet’s mirth
All tears and want destroy,
All tears and want destroy,
All tears, all tears and want destroy.

Clap, clap your hands, O seas and hills
For God is judge and Lord;
The earth is blessed and freed from ills
With love and truth outpoured,
With love and truth outpoured,
With love, with love and truth outpoured.

© Neil Thompson 2016