
Christmas Carol 2002

Metre: 77 77 and refrain Tune: Humility

Sun in winter, Dayspring bright –
Love’s birth pierces darkest night!
Christmas changes all we see:
Shows us God’s humility.

Give this infant Jesus praise:
God now shares our human days!
Word eternal draws our breath –
Leads us into life from death!

Distant birth is ever fresh –
God is here in human flesh.
Bethlem’s story makes us one:
Spirit fills a mortal son.

Hopes of ages now are found
Clear in history’s annals bound;
Thoughts and visions, new and old,
In God’s human life unfold.

God incarnate, newly born,
Gives to every soul hope’s dawn;
Bringing in the power of grace:
Saviour of our human race.

Here in poverty’s deep night
Mary holds the world’s true light.
All that we have held as worth
Is now changed by Jesus’ birth.

We whose breath is bound to cease,
Find our hope in Christmas peace:
Now our mortal lives are blest
By the babe on Mary’s breast!

© Neil Thompson 2002