
Christmas Carol 2001

Metre: 98 98 98 Tune: Fragrance

Lord hear your world both blest and bleeding,
Living with fear, gripped in self’s vice.
Deep in our hearts the Christ is pleading
For love’s true peace beyond all price.
Lord hear your world both blest and bleeding,
Living with fear, gripped in self’s vice.

Here at the crib we yield our powers
To Jesus Christ, the new–born King.
Ancient of Days contained in hours:
God’s heart now beats to still death’s sting.
Here at the crib we yield our powers
To Jesus Christ, the new–born King.

We seek your ways in place of fighting;
Turn us from darkness to your light.
Oppressors’ wrong the world is blighting:
Injustice cries to be put right.
We seek your ways in place of fighting;
Turn us from darkness to your light.

Give us your joy beyond all telling
Which comes from Christ, the servant Lord:
Bethlehem’s child now with us dwelling
In every act of love outpoured.
Give us your joy beyond all telling
Which comes from Christ, the servant Lord.

© Neil Thompson 2001