Easter Hymn
Metre: 11 10 11 10 | Tune: Highwood |
Darkness and light contain our mortal living:
Each plays a part in how we live our days.
Yet death’s great darkness quenches all life’s giving
Unless faith’s light reveals God’s saving ways.
Calvary’s pain is found in lane and city –
Cell, camp and ward, betrayal, lie and greed –
Jesus the crucified, divine love’s pity,
Nails, words and systems: all can make God bleed.
Then dawns the light as Easter breaks death’s prison,
Strange and disturbing, breaching reason’s laws.
Love’s truth alone proves Jesus Christ is risen,
Releasing all his world from death’s cruel jaws.
Now in an age when progress leads us, asking
Is there a God whose love can bring us life,
That holds us through our doubts and never masking
The truth and pain of human mental strife?
Here is the faith that lives in Christ for ever;
Raised by the Father from the cross and grave.
Here is the love which death can never sever:
Creator’s Spirit born in Christ to save.
© Neil Thompson 2001