Lent, Holy Week, General

A Hymn of the Cross

Metre: 98 96 and refrain Tune: Christ, be our Light (Bernadette Farrell)

Birth gives us life, sentenced to perish;
Creation’s truth: time brings the grave.
Joined now by God, Jesus our brother,
Dying, to set us free!

Christ on the Cross
Blesses the world
Now and for ever.
Christ on the Cross,
True face of love,
Reigns as our King!

Nails in to flesh, noonday’s deep darkness;
Crucified love, Jesus the lamb –
Hold us through time, death’s final moment,
Hand of eternity.

Words of despair, crowd cruelly mocking:
‘Justice’ is done – world’s ruling ways.
History’s cross – whose is the triumph?
– Love’s cry of agony!

Christ dies today, countless the moments
We drive the nails into the Tree.
Lord, in this pain, redeem your people,
Broken humanity.

Sign for the world, changing our values:
Rescues the lost no one can save.
Here is the hope, love beyond measure,
God of humility.

Who rules our world? What do we worship?
Is gold our god? …or is it ‘me’?
Crucified God, sharing your mercy,
Forgive our treachery.

(for Adrian & Sarah Jane and the Church of Holy Cross, Motspur Park)

© Neil Thompson 2003