Holy Communion

Communion Hymn


God’s Word, love’s Word,
Spoken to each age,
True Word, life’s Word,
Writ in scripture’s page,

Lord God, Lord God,
Guide your world today,
Meet us as heav’nly food and strength –
Lead us in the Way.

God’s bread, love’s bread,
Blest by Jesus’ breath,
One bread, shared bread,
Shows forth saviour’s death.

God’s cup, love’s cup,
Poured to save the lost,
One cup, Christ’s cup,
Cross of glory’s cost.

God’s life, love’s life,
Lived in Christ today,
One life, your life,
Make us this we pray.

God’s breath, love’s breath,
Spirit’s power of life,
Truth’s breath, Christ’s breath,
Healing pain and strife.

God’s time, love’s time,
Sacramental power,
This time, all time,
Bless each passing hour.

© Neil Thompson 2003