
Pentecost Counterpoint

Tunes: It's a long way to Tipperary / Pack up your troubles

Heav'nly Father, send your Spirit
In the name of your Son.
Heav'nly Father, send your Spirit,
Hold diversity as one!
Make us holy people,
Filled with love for all.
Heav’nly Father, send your Holy Spirit:
We answer your call!

Spirit whose breath brings life, receive our prayer:
Come, Fire, Fire, Fire!
Spirit whose breath brings life, receive our prayer –
You’re all we require.
Touch our world with energy
That we may never tire.
Oh! Spirit whose breath brings life, receive our prayer:
Come Fire, Fire, Fire!

To be sung together – AT THE SAME TIME!
(thus proving the Spirit's life
of harmony and integration)

© Neil Thompson 2004