Easter Hymn
Metre: 77 77 D | Tune: Salzburg |
Spark in darkness kindles light –
Risen life puts death to flight!
Easter breaks all deadly fear,
Christ redeems each cry and tear.
Truth is freed from death’s despair:
Meaning breathes in heaven’s pure air;
Human years are blessed today
With God’s life which lives for aye!
Doubt and death cloud human days,
Sapping hearts and will to praise.
Easter’s gift fills every void:
Death is breached by love uncloyed.
God is with us as a friend
Sharing life that has no end.
Jesus lives as Christ and Lord
Claiming us – our world restored!
God’s new life is here today,
Challenging our fractured way –
As we grasp to gain and own,
Placing self on Jesus’ throne:
Easter breaks the death of greed,
Humankind can now be freed
From the pains of history’s years
To a future saved from tears!
Empty tomb of Easter’s morn
Gives each life a hope re–born
Which the risen Christ bestows
On our world of pain and woes.
Here is love redeeming all
Lost and broken by the Fall.
Sing with joy – for God’s own Son
Victory over death has won!
© Neil Thompson 2004