Advent Hymn 2003
Metre: Long Metre | Tune: Winchester New |
The days that lead to Christmastide
Are filled with voices that have cried:
The present meets the coming age
As Christ draws near in scripture’s page!
We need to stop to hear this call
And let our false defences fall.
Each passing age deceives and kills
God’s gentle word with selfish thrills.
These Advent days need peace and calm
To see below the lure and harm
Of living for ourselves alone
And placing pleasure on self’s throne.
The road that led to Bethlehem
Took Mary’s child, of Jesse’s stem,
To stable, cross and poverty
In sharing our humanity.
Prepare us, Lord, that you may find
A church renewed in heart and mind –
So Christ will live for all to see
In faith and hope and charity.
© Neil Thompson 2003