Special Occasions
A Hymn to St Peter
Metre: 85 85 & refrain | Guiting Power |
Simon Peter on the sea shore
Busy at his trade,
Jesus calls him – ‘you can be more’:
Adam’s life re–made.
Holy Peter feed Christ’s flock,
The Church’s rock, O pray for us!
So he answered Jesus’ calling,
Leaving fish for men.
Peter’s life is changed to trawling
Depths beyond mind’s ken.
Blunt and forthright in confessing
‘You are Christ the Lord’.
Peter’s words, his God addressing,
Heaven’s truth assured.
Thrice denying, yet repenting:
Faltering human ways.
Faithful Peter, ne’er relenting,
Through change gives God praise.
Holy living, holy dying,
Prince, apostle, saint:
Peter’s strength for ever trying –
Glory – without taint.
Inverse cross and keys of heaven,
Peter’s death and life,
Yeast and salt, the Christ’s pure leaven,
Peace in earthly strife.
© Neil Thompson 2000