
Millennium Carol

Metre: Long Metre Tune: Puer Nobis Nascitur

Before the pulse and tick of time,
God’s love, the pre–existent Word,
Was one with God and was that God
From which creation’s life has stirred.

God spoke the Word and life leapt forth:
– the dance that turns all life and forms.
Then in the child of Bethlehem
God shared the risk of freedom’s storms.

A manger throne in stable poor
Receives th’eternal born in time.
No royal pomp for Mary’s child:
The dust of glory laid in grime.

This infant life brings hope and pow’r
To break the hold of Adam’s Fall.
The hand of God takes human form:
A brother to redeem us all.

The line of time brings hope and grace,
As Christ is born, our Saviour King.
Two thousand years since Christmas Day
Our world can with the angels sing:

Glory and praise to God most high
Whose saving love on earth is heard,
In Jesus’ voice and gracious life,
A newborn babe – th’eternal Word.

© Neil Thompson 1999