Special Occasions

Ordination Hymn

Metre: 10 10 10 10 "Woodlands"

The word of God calls each and every soul
To seek the length and breadth and depth of love;
This call for some takes on Christ’s yoke, the stole –
In orders blessed by cross and Spirit’s dove.

A life of cost is blessed by Christ’s own death;
His risen life feeds us through broken bread;
The priest receives the Spirit’s promised breath
To share the power that raised Christ from the dead.

This grace is risk, a gift to all the earth,
Each person sent to journey in God’s light –
Through want and need to see our neighbour’s worth
And offer all to Christ each day and night.

Our prayer today we make through Christ the Lord,
That word and sacrament may make us one:
To care for those whose lives in love outpoured,
To serve the One through whom all ages run.

© Neil Thompson 2009