
Deep in our hearts God's truth is born

Metre: 87 98 87 Besancon

Deep in our hearts God’s truth is born,
Gift of grace and light of dawn;
When days are short the night is bringing
Peace to earth and angels’ singing.
God’s gift is wrapped in Advent days
Wait, be still, to learn love’s ways.

Heaven breaks in to change each day:
Love is formed in human clay.
God is the gift: the one who’s giving
Breath to dust in mortal living.
God’s gift is wrapped in Advent days
Wait, be still, to learn love’s ways.

When it is hard to trust the love
Hid – beyond, below, above:
Here is a gift that’s like no other –
God in Jesus is our brother.
God’s gift is wrapped in Advent days
Wait, be still, to learn love’s ways.

Fear, doubt and loss grip every mind –
Peace and truth are hard to find.
Great is God’s gift when life is ended:
All that’s broken then is mended.
God’s gift is wrapped in Advent days
Wait, be still, to learn love’s ways.

Judgment and death bring pain and fear;
God is born to share each tear.
Love reaches out to meet our crying
Through our birth and in our dying.
God’s gift is wrapped in Advent days
Wait, be still, to learn love’s ways.

© Neil Thompson 2012