Easter Hymn
Metre: 87 87 77 | Tune: All Saints |
Sing of truth and triumph blazing:
Christ is risen from the dead!
Earth and heaven are joined in praising
Heaven’s King and Church’s Head.
Mortal dust and human clay
Raised in Christ on Easter Day.
Servant’s towel and victim’s nailing
Now prevail o’er death and shame;
Worldly rule and values failing
In the fire of Easter’s flame.
Darkened tomb can hold no longer
Heaven’s love in death laid low.
Jesus’ crown has proved far stronger
Than the powers we trust and know.
Frightened souls no longer cower –
Dawns the light of Easter Day.
Calvary’s tree now bears the flower
Of Christ’s life that lasts for aye.
Leave the tombs of selfish living:
Look for Christ in neighbour’s need.
May the world find joy in giving,
As from fear of death we’re freed.
Easter changes every story:
Yours and mine – the whole worldwide.
Human life is bound for glory
In Christ’s endless Eastertide.
© Neil Thompson 2002